The prompt literary magazine is a annual online magazine that publishes creative work that reflects experimental and traditional work based on writing prompts and exercises.
Each submission MUST be accompanied by the writing exercise or prompt that inspired it.
Please submit no more than 5 poems during one reading period (including flash-based poetry), one work of prose, which may be fiction or creative non fiction, or up to 5 short, non-traditional selections (i.e. scenes, character profiles, “snapshots” etc based on a prompt. This includes flash fiction/flash non-fiction).
The prompt encourages submissions that would not conform to guidelines for a traditional literary magazine. We encourage submissions of spoken word poetry, multimedia, performance art, and other forms that might be of interest.
Response time is 4-6 months.
If your work is accepted, you will be notified via email. If you haven’t heard from us within 12 weeks, it means we are seriously considering your work. Do not despair!
If your work is not accepted, expect to be notified within the response time. While we use a standard rejection notice, occasionally, if an editor is touched by your work but sees a glaring flaw, at his or her discretion, a note may be sent. It’s sole function is to help you, as a writer, better understand what we are looking for and to increase the likelihood that your work will be accepted. We will never denigrate your work. Remember, our goal is to encourage writing, not to be an elitist publication. So if you aren’t chosen this time, write something else and try again!
We also are accepting ideas for writing exercises at this time. All writing prompts should be sent via submission manager under the category of writing prompts. Traditional writing prompts should be original. Photo prompts must not be copyrighted material and should be your own work (or, in the case of old family photos should credit the original photographer as well as the submitter. ) Audio and video prompts also must be original, uncopyrighted materials. Audio and video prompts should range between 15 and 30 seconds in length, although up to a minute is acceptable, if The prompt is particularly engaging. Materials obtained through the public domain may be used, but creativity is always going to win points with us.
Credit will be given for all prompts used on our site!